원래 32비트로 만들 생각이었지만 테스트 벤치 만들때 너무 귀찮아질 것 같아서 4비트로 만들었다.
실수로 carry랑 temp를 거꾸로 넣어버린 탓에 값이 이상하게 나와서 조금 헤맸다.
한술 더 떠서 Modelsim이 계속 응답 없음을 띄우며 종료되는 현상이 있어서 저장 안하고 몇번씩 거의 다 짠 코드를 날렸다...
Full Adder는 이미 올렸으니 생략하고 나머지만 올린다.
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; entity mux2 is port ( mux_a, mux_b : IN std_logic; mux_sel : IN std_logic; mux_o : OUT std_logic ); end mux2; architecture arch_mux2 of mux2 is begin process( mux_a, mux_b, mux_sel ) begin case mux_sel is when '0' => mux_o <= mux_a; when others => mux_o <= mux_b; end case; end process; end arch_mux2;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity csa is port ( csa_a, csa_b : IN std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); csa_cin : IN std_logic; csa_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); csa_cout : OUT std_logic ); end csa; architecture arch_csa of csa is component fa is port ( a, b, cin : IN std_logic; s, cout : OUT std_logic ); end component; component mux2 is port ( mux_a, mux_b : IN std_logic; mux_sel : IN std_logic; mux_o : OUT std_logic ); end component; signal temp_0, temp_1 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal carry_0, carry_1 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); begin fa_0 : fa port map ( csa_a(0), csa_b(0), '0', temp_0(0), carry_0(0) ); fa_cin_0 : for i in 0 to 2 generate fa_0 : fa port map ( csa_a(i+1), csa_b(i+1), carry_0(i), temp_0(i+1), carry_0(i+1) ); end generate; fa_1 : fa port map ( csa_a(0), csa_b(0), '1', temp_1(0), carry_1(0) ); fa_cin_1 : for j in 0 to 2 generate fa_1 : fa port map ( csa_a(j+1), csa_b(j+1), carry_1(j), temp_1(j+1), carry_1(j+1) ); end generate; mux_loop : for k in 0 to 3 generate mux_0 : mux2 port map ( temp_0(k), temp_1(k), csa_cin, csa_s(k) ); end generate; mux_1 : mux2 port map ( carry_0(3), carry_1(3), csa_cin, csa_cout ); end arch_csa;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity csa_tb is end csa_tb; architecture arch_csa_tb of csa_tb is component csa is port ( csa_a, csa_b : IN std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); csa_cin : IN std_logic; csa_s : OUT std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); csa_cout : OUT std_logic ); end component; signal input_a, input_b : std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ) := "0000"; signal input_cin : std_logic; signal output_s : std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ); signal output_cout : std_logic; begin csa_port_map : csa port map ( input_a, input_b, input_cin, output_s, output_cout ); process_a : process begin input_a <= "0000"; wait for 10 ns; input_a <= "0001"; wait for 10 ns; input_a <= "0010"; wait for 10 ns; input_a <= "0100"; wait for 10 ns; input_a <= "1000"; wait for 10 ns; end process; process_b : process begin wait for 20 ns; input_b <= "0111"; end process; process_cin : process begin input_cin <= '0'; wait for 5 ns; input_cin <= '1'; wait for 5 ns; end process; end arch_csa_tb;
결과값은 위와 같이 나온다.
input_a와 input_b를 더한 값이 input_s에 저장되며, 만약 자리올림이 발생할 경우 input_cout으로 올림된다.
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